Sunday, August 30, 2009

So I laugh.....

I'm drinking some Sangria and feeling very very nice and I start to think...

My mother is my Cosmic Twin as Tim would call her. Two souls meant to exist at the same time always connected no matter the distance, no matter the circumstance. It makes sense I can feel my mother and she can feel me, and we understand each other. Spiritually insightful and extremely intuitive, a two edged axe who has seen many a battle some lost and most won.

My brothers both two free spirited individuals who never related to me and never tried. We share blood, a bond no one can break and no one can deny. Yet we don't know each other and perhaps never really will. I always whish them the best in their life and their endeavors, no bad blood here.

My Sister, my beautiful and wise sister. She is the one who has lived, she has felt an experienced so much and all to turn the experiences around in order to be wise. For wisdom radiates from her pores as does love, and independance. She travels not knowing where she is going, open to experience and to possibility. Always an inspiration. I often wonder if we were cosmic twins, but I know that we arent. We instead are two sides of the same coin.

My Father the Man all men would hope to be. He raises a bar as far as I'm concerned, and always provides an ultimate example of Patience, Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Hard Work and Perserverance. Not to mention Faith and Hope, he is a father whose love is felt in his actions. He provides and provides for all he calls children, he never sees differences. His responsibilities were just that, his responsibilties. His thoughts, his thoughts.

Tim a brother indeed, his blood might as well just run through my veins for we share so much. Our bond is other wordly and ancient, two souls meant to meet and to share, to work and ot conjure, to sing and to dance, to shout and to praise. Inspiration and drive is this man's energy and his very spirit is understanding and healing. I simply bask in him every moment I can, learning taking him in.

Kare a Soul mate, a wonderful compliment to myself. A kindred spirit to myself in so many ways, someone who can deal with me in my entirety even when most would run screaming, arms flailing. He is in my mind what Eve was to Adam, a compliment, a completion might as well be of my own rib and bone marrow.
I often wonder if God answered my prayers when I was sent these individuals, its been quite a journey and new adventures are on the horizon.

My ancestors, those who came before me and lived and experienced and broke their individual backs to provide us with some opportunity. The ancestors who have made themselves known to me in so many ways, and in effect have shown me things of old that I would have never knew or experienced had it not be for them. Nostalgia that should be somehow misplaced but feels so current and relevent. I long for old ways, discipline, responsibility, reputation, juke joint, drummings, bon fires and invoking of spirit..... Something I am tapping into just now in my 27 years of life. My soul longs for these things and I travel that path head up and eyes forward.


Warm and delicate

Soft and plush

Pulsing and vibrating with a readiness to receive

Attention, Love, food, open arms, a warm lap

It matters not your comfortability, for one tiny second in her choosing

the earth spins on her axis and revolves around her orbital direction.

She Lays down comfortably in her chosen spot, paws bent back upon themselves blinks slowly and her lips part as if in a smile, as if to say:

"Do you not realize I am from a line of Gods and Goddesses. I was worshipped in Egypt by many names but one in particular Bastet. Protector of the home and pregnant women, the essence of feminine sexuality and pleasure mixed with the wrath that only a woman can feircely summon and execute. I have hunted lifetimes before you, I have stalked the sky and the plains below. Basking in the Sun of my father Ra, and respected by all. You would do well to receive me as I am meant to be received..."

You have no choice but to laugh at her audacity and simply admire and stroke her. She is Neema whose name means "She who is born of wealthy parents."