So this day is the day that Orisha and Saint Oshun is revered in worship in some households, exclusively. Yesterday I wrote about Yemaya the sister of Ochun. Yemaya represents toe Ocean, the wide and vast sea. Ochun on the other hand represents Rivers, Streams, Springs, waterfalls and any sweet water that is flowing. I write this for her....
According to Yoruba elders, Oshun is the cosmological force of water, moisture and attraction. Oshun is the force of HARMONY, ecstasy, and love.
When I see a parent hold a child, looking into their eyes and feeling that deep connection and attraction. This is Ochun.
When two lovers in their throws of passion feel this under current of magnetism connecting them in body, as well as in spirit, This is Ochun.
When a delicate seed is attracted to moisture or dew drops and slowly but steadily roots and breaks its husk and reaching for the sun it is so connected too, this is Ochun.
The joyous feeling that comes over us once we have accomplished something so laboring. The laughter of a child, innocent and as light as a bubbling brook, the bees buzzing from flower to flower, the appreciation one feels when the warm Spring break Winters gloom and the scent of fragrant flowers and the joy it brings us. This is Ochun.
After tearful situations, and deep depressions at your lowest point.... When you stop and just breath and listen and you hear in the stillness the sound of something fluid, something moving. You find a well of strength. The sweetest water ever tasted, and it springs from you, through you.... It taste of freedom. Its filtered through hard times, sediment, obstacle's as rough as and as stone-like as rock. Yet like the sweet water we flow over it, past it, finding a way to push on flow towards the vast opportunities life has to offer. This is Ochun, in nature, in essence, in us.
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