SO today I will point to the Holy Bible. Although written and rewritten so long ago by imperfect human beings who didn't even understand Jesus when he talked to them in the flesh let alone the spirit.... The book still holds some relevance and has some importance in our day to day.
Matthew 24:4 & 5 "LOOK out that nobody misleads you; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying "I am the Christ," and will mislead many.
Matthew 24: 23&24 "Then if anyone says to you, "Look! Here is the Christ," or "There!" do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible even the chosen ones.
Matthew 7: 21- 23 "Not everyone saying to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter into the Kingdoms of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my father whom is in the heavens will. Many will say to me "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?" And I will confess to them: I never knew you! get away you workers of Lawlessness.
John 17: 14- 26 (too much to type) But Jesus Stresses that his followers who truly got the message of his work,of Gods work were to be no part of this world, just as he was no part of the world. He Said he as they were are IN this world but have to be no part of it. He stressed that God loves those before they are even created. He stresses the need for his children to be ONE in union with him and his father. he stresses we have all been given the Glory, the Knowledge, the love to do be in union with another.
I think people need to look into why they go to Church. Being no part of the world to me is more of a state of consciousness. We have to transcend our earthly/worldly way of looking at thing, and judging things and simply let spirit, instinct, intuition, God guide us. The Worldly versus the Spirit was always stressed throughout this book with sayings like 'Pay Cesar's things to Cesar and Gods things to God' and "Stop storing up the treasure upon the earth where moth and rust consume, and thieves break in and steal. Rather store up yourselves the treasures in heaven." Its about knowing your wealth in the spirit knowing that you are supplied for, watched out for. You have but to reach inside to find God and these treasures, God is not some huge all consuming External force but rather in us. IN our very being. Reach inside and let God out, let him manifest in your lives. See God the way you need to, not the way someone else wants you to.
I believe the biggest part of Jesus ministry was love. Yet you see people claiming only the love of Jesus, they forgot their fellow man. How can you LOVE Jesus and forget you own brothers and sisters? It goes against Gods will and greatest commandment. The very unity Jesus described above, is what doesn't happen. Its just people getting together under one roof and praising amongst excluding the very people that helped build there church up.
Beware the people who point at you and tell you what God wants for you, what JESUS/God has said as if they know the spoken word more than you do. Your interpretation of THE WORD is just as valid as theirs, we are all one in the spirit. Remember some of the very ones you look up to, who do many beautiful works, and are anointed are the very ones to turn you away from the will and love of God, as Jesus warns in the book of Matthew. Let No One do this, in fact Jesus Says "LOOK... you will know the tree for the fruit it bears." You will see what and who people really are if you look and listen. In Peter they say "the Devil is walking around like a Roaring Lion seeking to divide and destroy. So keep your senses..." That's right all senses. Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, Hearing. When a Lion roars it roars to scare a herd of prey to scatter them and find the weakest one to go after. Its meant to confuse and disorient its prey. Lets not fall prey.
The Devil is not some sentient being, he is that part of human consciousness we all have that does ugly things. Its in us all, its the bad choices we make although we know we should do the opposite. he is our lack of judgement, our impatience, our judgmental attitude, our discouragement, our ego and arrogance, our hate and fear of things we don't understand. Lets rise above that.
I charge anyone who is or considers them self a "christian" to please take it upon yourself to ask questions, to research and read outside the bible and see that there is more to this book, this way of thinking this life. Get to know you and your culture and see where you place is in the world, find your voice and your spirit. Let it shine and exemplify the beauty of Gods creation. Love yourself no more shame, no more guilt, be you, be encouraged, be loved.
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